[新聞] FOMC:暫不升息 但最快三月

作者Severine (賽非茵)


標題[新聞] FOMC:暫不升息 但最快三月

時間Thu Feb 17 03:20:28 2022

Fed minutes show central bank ready to raise rates, shrink balance sheet soon
原文連結:https://ibit.ly/eeaR發布時間:WED, FEB 16 20222:00 PM
Federal Reserve officials set plans into motion at their most recent meeting
to begin raising interest rates and shed the trillions of dollars in bonds on
the central bank balance sheet, according to minutes released Wednesday.
根據週三公佈的會議記錄,美聯儲(Federal Reserve)官員在最近的一次會議上啟動了提
Officials at the meeting expressed concerns over financial stability, saying
that loose monetary policy could be posing a substantial risk.
The policymaking Federal Open Market Committee decided after the two-day
session that it would not raise interest rates yet but strongly indicated a
hike is on the way as soon as March.
In addition, the committee set out procedures for how it will start unwinding
its nearly $9 trillion balance sheet, which consists largely of bonds it has
purchased in an effort to drive down rates and stimulate growth.
Since the meeting, fresh inflation readings have shown prices rising at the
fastest pace in 40 years. The Fed targets inflation to average around 2%, and
officials have conceded that policy needs to get tighter to bring prices down.
率平均在2% 左右,官員們已經承認政策需要更加緊縮以降低物價。
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Stock/M.1645039231.A.FE2.html

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